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Ever feel stuck in your job?

Maybe you thought it was your “dream job” and it’s turned out to be more like a nightmare.  Perhaps the work you thought would be interesting is more than a little boring, similar to watching paint dry.  The promise of a fast track to promotion is more like life in the slow lane, with grandma behind the wheel.

We’ve all been there.  And it’s not fun.

Yet even under the most trying of circumstances, there are still things to be thankful for.  We learn best in the worst situations.

Here are 6 reasons to be thankful for your crappy job:

  1. You Have a Job.  Totally understand that you might be sick of hearing this, yet it’s important to step away from the pity-party and understand how important this really is. You.Have.A. Job.  And it pays money.  Those who have visited the Land of Layoff understand how valuable it is to have even a not-so-good job.  You have two options: develop an exit strategy, including networking and interviewing to find a better job, or put on a happy face and stay put. Your choice.
  2. Resume Builder. Even crappy jobs provide opportunities to build your skills and your resume.  Take advantage of all chances to learn something new.  If the company offers classes on-site or will pay to further your education, take advantage.  Additional skills and education will come in handy whenever you do decide to leave the company.
  3. Food. At any office there’s usually birthday cake or holiday treats, either sent by vendors or brought in by co-workers. Take advantage!  Trust me, you will miss free food if you ever decide to work from home, or heaven-forbid, your number comes up during a lay-off.
  4. Colleagues and Networking.   Even if you’re not BFFs with your work-mates, they may be valuable network connections for you in the future.  Establish professional relationships with some of your colleagues and connect on LinkedIn.  Do it now before you decide to leave the company. You never know who might be able to help you land a great job down the road.
  5. Paid Vacation and Other Benefits.  A no-brainer.  Those who are self-employed know this is huge.  Be thankful for things like paid vacations, 401Ks, health insurance, and any other benefit your employer throws your way.
  6. Reason to Get Up in the Morning. Sure, it’s fun to dream about staying home in your jammies all day.  Reality is, it gets old after, oh, two days. For many, our jobs – even if they are crappy – provide the main reason to get up and interact with others vs. retreating into the world of bad TV.  Face it; if you want to find a new opportunity or simply be productive, you’re going to have to leave the house at some point.

You may feel like you have a crappy job and I feel your pain, having been there before myself. Just remember that even the worst jobs are blessings.

About Tami Cannizzaro

A Dallas-based marketer, public relations consultant, motivational speaker and mentor, Tami Cannizzaro found herself facing a minor identity crisis after a layoff. Determined to find the silver lining—after all, there’s always a silver lining—she discovered that there’s humor in what can be an unstable and sometimes frightening situation.

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