I have an announcement to make, and I’m so excited.  I’m going to quit writing. Yep, quitting my favorite pastime so that I can pursue an opportunity to make $60,000 per year working part-time.  Can you believe it?  That’s great money! And since I’ll only be working part-time I’ll have extra time to spend reading and sitting by the pool, in addition to working on my abs of steel at the gym.  It’s almost too good to be true.

What is the opportunity, you ask?  Well, I’m not exactly sure, but it’s got to be great.  See, I found this flyer taped to my front door recruiting me for this opportunity.  Very personalized, huh?  They want little ol’ me!

Don’t believe me?  Here’s the opportunity, typed exactly as it is on the flyer, minus the recruiter’s name and phone number.  Sorry, I’m not sharing that information for fear too many will apply.


This system is proven to work, even during a recession

If you’re concerned about the economy, you need to look at this

Will work even if you are on unemployment

This is NOT a get rich quick scheme

It is a business plan and concept you work at part time

If becoming financially independent is important to you and your family, call to see if you qualify

Call now for an appointment.  

Unbelievable, huh?

All kidding and sarcasm aside, it really is unbelievable.  There’s so much wrong here that I’m not even sure where to begin.

  • If this is a “proven” system that works, why isn’t everyone doing it? I’m sure congress would love to know about it so they can get people working again.
  • Make “$60K working part-time”?  What kind of legal part-time job can provide that kind of income?
  • “Call to see if you qualify”. LOL!  I’m betting that all of us qualify. I’m also betting that it costs money for us to learn the “secrets” to this “business plan that’s NOT a get rich quick scheme”. 

This makes my head hurt.  It gives false hope to people who are desperate to find a job, and it may even cost them money to get started. If not money, it’s got to cost time.  Nothing is free, after all.

When you’re in the hunt for a new job, the recruitment process is daunting.  Applications must be submitted online even if you have a network connection at the company.  There’s usually a phone interview (or two or three) followed by a couple in-person meetings.  After what seems to be an eternity, you might be lucky enough to actually get an offer. It’s enough to make anyone throw up their hands in frustration and search for a quick, easy, fix like the one above instead of a job lead that actually nets a good opportunity.

To land a great job you simply have to do the work, including networking, applying and interviewing.  Over and over again.  There’s no “quick fix” when it comes to finding your next opportunity.

As for the job advertised on the flyer, I’m sure that somewhere in the world there is a person who actually has benefitted from such a proposal.  My uncle would have done well at this; a natural salesman, he could sell ice to an Eskimo.

As far as I’m concerned, a better plan is to persevere with the job search the old-fashioned way through networking, filling out applications and going on interviews.

I’m also keeping my writing gig; it’s too much fun.  Especially when I see things like this to write about.

About Tami Cannizzaro

A Dallas-based marketer, public relations consultant, motivational speaker and mentor, Tami Cannizzaro found herself facing a minor identity crisis after a layoff. Determined to find the silver lining—after all, there’s always a silver lining—she discovered that there’s humor in what can be an unstable and sometimes frightening situation.

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