
What makes some people successful and others not so much? Luck? Intelligence? Money?

I’m guessing successful people have this characteristic: they are driven.

I like to think that I have a special relationship with all of my nieces and nephews. This is especially true of my sister’s kids, simply because I was single when they were born and had lots of free time to spend with them during formative years.

That last statement speaks volumes about my dating life during that time. But I digress.

Now they are young adults and I’m in awe of their smarts and capabilities. Each has different interests and is driven to succeed in different ways. There is no doubt in my mind that all will be successful.

My oldest niece is particularly driven. From the time she was a little girl, she’s wanted to be a veterinarian. The time is now; this fall she will enter vet school to fulfill that dream.

I’d love to say this has been an easy road: go to college, get degree, apply to vet school, get accepted, and off you go.

Anyone with any knowledge of vet school knows that it’s easier to get into medical school than vet school. Barely into her bachelor’s program, professors told my niece as much; not-so-politely suggesting that she give up her dream and head over to the med school.

Many of her classmates gave up quickly, letting one or two people’s opinions shatter their dream.

Not my niece. She pushed and worked and kept staring them down when they’d tell her “no”.

She completed a rigorous masters’ program, graduating summa cum laude while working at the veterinary hospital on campus to prove herself, even managing the large-animal ICU as a tech after graduation.

Still, no acceptance from her dream school.

Determined – DRIVEN – to succeed, she applied to multiple schools, received several offers and accepted one from an outstanding program where she will begin this fall.

This young lady is intelligent, mature and knows what she wants. She has worked her butt off to get to her dream; now it’s happening.

I am so proud of her. For having a strategic plan to get from point A to point B. For staying positive and gaining experience wherever she could. For NOT GIVING UP.

How many of us would more easily give up when searching for a job?

I speak with job seekers frequently about their dreams, their searches and what they are doing to achieve those dreams. Even if the dream is simply to find employment.

  • When I suggest developing a strategic plan, many say “I don’t need that; it’s just a job search”.
  • When I forward a job opening for them to consider, I’m met with, “I’m probably over-qualified”.
  • When I suggest that perhaps they take a lower-paying job or a volunteer position in their field that will keep them working and cover gaps on their resume, they say, “I’m better than that” or “That’s a lot of work for little reward”.

Wow. So many times I’m met with such negativity that it’s hard even for me to maintain a positive attitude.

And then my niece reminds me that sometimes dreams are worth fighting for, no matter what it takes or how many lower-level jobs you have to endure while you wait.

Makes me think that successful people are more driven than others. Or at least they don’t give up as easily.