Merry Christmas!

ugly sweaters

It’s Christmas Day, and for us that means a quick visit with my sister’s family.  We love flying on the holiday; the airport is full of travelers and people seem so happy. We laugh at those who neglected their holiday shopping until this very moment and are now frantically searching the airport shops for gifts. I’m pretty sure a People magazine and a tin of breath mints will be a “memorable” gift, although not in a good way.

Sometimes Hubby and I have been known to wear Santa hats or other holiday gear for this trip.  Not so much to show our holiday spirit, but more to embarrass our niece and nephews when they pick us up at the airport.  As young adults they are still concerned with being “cool” or “awesome” or whatever you call it now.

We, on the other hand, feel so uber-cool that we can do anything without ruining our hard-won reputations. This year, we’ve taken holiday embarrassment to an entirely new level, with matching ugly Christmas sweaters.

We can’t wait to see their faces when they pick us up!

If I may be serious for a moment: Thank you for your support throughout the year!  I write because I enjoy it, yet it’s your comments, tweets and “likes” that push me to do more.  Today and every day, I wish you joy, happiness, laughter and peace.