cool seat

Ever experience déjà vu?  That funny, strange sensation that you’ve been in exactly the same situation before?

It’s completely unsettling and it messes with your mind.  I’m experiencing déjà vu right now – either that or those holiday brownies someone sent us are a bit off.  I’m sitting in my home office, a cold wind blowing outside, computer fired up and once again I find myself in a job search situation.

Hello, unemployment, my old friend!  I’ve come to visit you again.  Wait, that sounds like an old Simon and Garfunkel song.  

True, I’ve been to the Land of Layoff before, but this time something feels different. More relaxed, maybe?  Less stressful?  I hope I’m not settling into indifference or defeat.

No, it’s more of a confidence, which seems like an odd feeling to have when one is looking for a job.

I guess there’s some comfort – if that’s a good word here – in having done this before.  I’ve got experience and I know what steps to take, unlike before, when I put on a brave face but was a bit all-over-the-board when it came to knowing what to do.

Having a sense of calm is a good thing when it comes to a job search.  I’m finding that it allows me to think more clearly, outlining my job search strategy and work the plan, rather than throwing spaghetti against the wall to see if anything sticks.

My confidence is higher this time around – I know that not only will I find another opportunity, but it will be a great opportunity.  And if it takes some time?  I know that I will find small jobs to fill in the gaps.

Most important is that I’m not panicking.  This is a bit like revisiting a favorite vacation destination, the place you go to year after year and know so well.  I should be good at this, since Hubby and I visit the same place each summer.  Friends wonder why we do this, and we can sum it up in one word: experience.

With experience visiting the same place, we know what to expect.  We know what to pack and what to leave at home; we know exactly what to do when we get there, where to eat, what to see and how to manage our time to get the maximum return on our vacation.

While I hope my visit to the Land of Layoff is a short one, at least this time I know my way around. I’ve got my strategy down and am working the plan; there’s no room for panic. This is simply another stop in my career journey.

I’m optimistic, and the rest of you visiting the Land of Layoff should be too. Get your plan in place and start working or re-work the plan you have, if necessary.  I’ll be right there with you.

2014 is going to be a great year!

About Tami Cannizzaro

A Dallas-based marketer, public relations consultant, motivational speaker and mentor, Tami Cannizzaro found herself facing a minor identity crisis after a layoff. Determined to find the silver lining—after all, there’s always a silver lining—she discovered that there’s humor in what can be an unstable and sometimes frightening situation.

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